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Title IX Administrators and Positions

Title IX Administrators and Positions

The following is a list of Indiana Tech’s Title IX positions and a brief summary of those position responsibilities. The different trainings of each person are denoted next to their name with links at the bottom of this page.

Title IX Administrators

Title IX Coordinator

This position is responsible for providing annual and ongoing training and oversite of Investigators, Hearing Officers, Advisors, Appeal Decision-Makers, and any other designated position with Title IX. This position also coordinates regular review and revision of institutional policy and procedures for preventing and responding to reports of alleged sex- and gender-based discrimination and misconduct. The Coordinator conducts preliminary inquiries for all reported incidents. The Coordinator maintains records of all cases and provides aggregate reporting for Clery Act compliance. In addition to other responsibilities not listed, the Coordinator is the primary position responsible for compliance with all aspects of the Title IX federal regulations.

Chris Dickson (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)
Director Student Services,
Title IX Co-Coordinator (faculty respondents)
Office: Andorfer Commons, Room 150
Phone: 260.422.5561, ext. 2234

Julie Hendryx (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)
Human Resources Director,
Title IX Co-Coordinator (student respondents)
Office: Keene Building Suite 120, Room 128
Phone: 260.422.5561, ext. 2277

Athletic Director

This position is primarily responsible for ensuring gender equity within the athletic department with regards to participation in sports and the athletic benefits and opportunities associated with that participation. In addition, the position should foster a culture free from any sex- or gender-based harassment or bias associated with or portray by any of the university teams or organizations under the athletic umbrella. The Athletic Director position is not required to be formally trained under Title IX regulations where gender equity in athletics is concerned. However, various staff members inside the athletic department have participated in Title IX training opportunities under specific roles.

Jessie Biggs (4)
Athletic Director
Office: Warrior Athletic Center, Room 211
Phone: 260.422.5561, ext. 2244

Title IX Investigators

Title IX Investigators

Investigators are individuals designated by the university to conduct reliable, prompt, fair, and impartial investigations of sex- and gender-based discrimination and misconduct reports. This investigation includes identifying and interviewing parties and witnesses; compiling relevant information; maintaining accurate and thorough investigation records and notes; and writing a clear, concise, and comprehensive investigation report. Investigators are expected to maintain ongoing communication with involved parties and complete their investigation in a timely manner as outlined in our investigation procedures.

  • Tim Allwein (2)
  • Devin Blackford (2, 5)
  • Crysta Burke (2)
  • Trent Grable (2)
  • Frank Kahn (2, 3, 5)
  • Ryan Ozbun (2, 3)
  • Jessica Pena (2)
  • Scott Thum (2)
  • Angela Williams (2)
Hearing Officers (Decision-Makers)

Hearing Officers (Decision-Makers)

Hearing Officers are individuals who have the authority to determine whether institutional Title IX policy was violated in accordance with the preponderance of evidence standard of proof and to determine appropriate remedies and corrective actions in collaboration with the Adjudicator. The Hearing Officers will facilitate the live hearing process including the cross-examination conducted by the party’s Advisor of choice. The Hearing Officers also must determine relevancy of any questions posed during cross-examination before an answer is provided. Finally, the Hearing Officers provide a written determination to the Adjudicator who will thus notify all parties simultaneously. This written determination must include all rationale for the results for each allegation and the institution’s procedures and basis for appeals.

  • Devin Blackford (2, 5)
  • Jonathan Brownlee (5)
  • Julie Farison (5)
  • Angie Fincannon (3)
  • Casey Hunsucker (3)
  • Kristi Jarmus (5)
  • Frank Kahn (2, 3, 5)
  • Ryan Ozbun (2,3)
  • Tiffany Redies (5)
  • Courtney Shull (3, 5)
Title IX Appellates

Title IX Appellates

If either party appeals the outcome of the hearing, the Appellate will review the appeal request to determine if the appeal has merit based on the criteria outlined in the procedures. The Appellate must notify the other party of the appeal upon receipt. The evaluation of the appeal may require written statements from both parties as well as the Hearing Officers addressing any alleged process errors occurring during the hearing portion of the case. Following the review of all submitted information, the Appellate will issue a written determination to all parties and the Adjudicator simultaneously on the outcome of the appeal.

Dan Stoker (2, 3)
Vice President Student Affairs,
Appellate Officer
Office: Andorfer Commons, Room 150
Phone: 260.422.5561, ext. 2276

Judy Roy (2, 5, 6)
Executive Vice President Finance and Administration,
Appellate Officer
Office: Wilfred Uytengsu, Sr. Center, third floor
Phone: 260.422.5561, ext. 2114



An Advisor is an individual selected by any party to assist them throughout the institution’s resolution process. The Advisor may be any individual the party chooses but the party should consider any potential conflicts of interest the selected advisor chooses. An Advisor’s role may be restricted in the process and limited to the hearing cross-examination. However, the Advisor for each party will have the same parameters throughout the investigation. Finally, if a student requests, the university may provide an advisor vetted from the list of trained employees below or the university may assign an employee as an advisor for backup reasons should the party choose to severe their relationship with their initially selected advisor.

  • Dawn Anderson (3)
  • Kylene Biggs (3)
  • Bob Confer (3)
  • Craig Dyer (3)
  • Margot Geagon (3)
  • Julie Good (3, 5)
  • Lisa Givan (2, 3)
  • Jerome Heaven (3)
  • Kristi Jarmus (3, 5)
  • Frank Kahn (3, 5)
  • Naga Musunuri (3)
  • Melissa Schweikert (3)
  • Thomas Tran (3)
  • Stephanie Zimny (3)
Resource Officers

Resource Officers

These individuals are primarily associated with emotional support and guidance during the process. They are somewhat familiar with the overall process of the Title IX procedures but are not specifically trained on designated roles within the procedures. For a list of resource officers, please visit the resources page.

Title IX Training for Individuals

The following is a list of the training the various individuals in the above positions have completed.

  1. ATIXA (Association for Title IX Administrators) for both Level 1 Coordinator as well as 2020 Regulations Implementation which may be reviewed at Atixa.
  2. Title IX (Civil Rights) Investigators training through ATIXA which may be reviewed at Atixa.
  3. Hearing Officers, Appellate, and Advisor training provided by Barnes and Thornborg, LLP. The course Syllabus may be viewed at Hearing Officers.
  4. Title IX Compliance in Athletics provided by ATIXA which may be viewed at Atixa.
  5. Institutional Response Group by Cozen O’Connor training
  6. ICI Title IX policy training by Barnes and Thornburg with course syllabus.